Sunday, August 2, 2009

Does cheating count if the intent is there?

So I had a rough day. Weekend really. Russell being out of town, me covering CrossFit, huge turnouts at both weekend classes, Campbell and Pup-Pup's adventures into the fireplace, and some cute but smelly new chicks all added to the stress. Plus, (I think I may have mentioned this previously) but I am still hungry. So after class tonight, I came home and had a sleepy baby and a very, very excited puppy. Not a good combination. I finally got one asleep and one calm(ish) and was going to make my oh-so-healthy and zone-a-licious dinner when the puppy woke the baby and it all started again.

I picked up the phone. I found the number for Terry's Pizza (did I mention that not only am I on the Zone Diet but I am allergic to wheat???) and I called it.

I did!

It rang. Someone answered.

I hung up the phone.

And here is the worst part! I called back!!! And did the same thing again! I totally prank called Terry's Pizza two times.

Then I went into the kitchen and pulled out the scale and measured some turkey and tomato, some avocado, and some fruit and sat down and ate my zone-friendly dinner.

Crisis averted.


  1. Katherine, you are cracking me up with your food journal :) I love it! I think it is awesome that you have not only created this challenge for your clients, but that you are participating! I have been zoning for five months now and will never go back to my old ways of eating. I had the same struggles all of you are having now --- but, just stick with it!

    I have a question for you -- when you calculated your blocks was it 10 or did you lower it one from a 11? I used the online Zone Calculator and I was prescribed 11 blocks. I cannot imagine you having to eat less than me. Anyways just curious.

    I noticed that you all came to the same conclusion I did about consuming too much fruit everyday. I have altered my diet to incorporated more veggies. My meal plan looks like this 2 block w/veggies, 2-fruit, 2-veggies,(workout) 2-fruit, 2-veggie, 1 - usually a fruit. If you have any suggestions on a way to improve my diet I would appreciate it.

    One more quick question -- How long have you been doing Crossfit and the Paleo diet?

    Keep up the good work and keep the posts coming :)

    Christina N. Barnett

  2. Hi Christina,

    Thanks for commenting! We're happy to have you and glad to hear some ideas and advice from someone who has been doing this a while! And I definitely agree that eating veggies makes the day much easier! I am more full and happier with some variety!

    As for my blocks, I actually started with 10 based on the CF Journal's advice for a small female. I considered using the online tool but I was told at my cert that it could be inaccurate. Instead, I decided to go with the lowest and then mess around with adding more blocks or doubling fat ratios. I had everyone who participated in the challenge find their body type and start with the lowest blocks for a three day period. After three days, if anyone was starving, feeling like their performance was lacking, etc, we increased the blocks as needed.

    Having said that, 10 blocks is DEFINITELY not enough for me. I have lost about 6 pounds in 9 days so that tells me something! Russell was at his level two this past weekend so they brainstormed about it and came up with the suggestion that I double the fat for a week or so and then triple if I am still hungry/losing weight. Russell actually does 16 blocks with 5 times fat. I think the key is realizing whether you actually need more protein/carbs or if you just need some more fat to use as an energy source. I am going to continue on 10 blocks with 2xs fat and see if I need to go up from there in a week or so. I will definitely keep you all posted!

    Oh, and I started CrossFit in November of 2007 but was pregnant by December! I continued with a mostly Paleo diet and CrossFit about 4-5 times a week throughout my pregnancy. Obviously, I did cheat a bit more than I would have otherwise :) and I certainly dialed back the intensity as I entered the last trimester! After I had Campbell, I had a complication from the delivery that kept me from working out (or even walking) for nearly 6 months. I came back full force in April so I have been going strong for nearly 4 months now and I love it!

  3. Katherine,
    Thanks for the fast reply. It sounds like that your hungry problem may be solved between adding more veggies and doubling your fat. Jeff eats 18 blocks with double fat and that works really well for him. Seems like the fat is the key to hunger.

    I have not gone to my cert yet. I go in November. I think I will change my my blocks from 11 to 10 and see how I feel.

    You have only been crossfitting for 4 months continuously -- Campbell by default has to be a fire-breather :). Great job and cannot wait to see the results at the end of the challenge.

  4. Katherine,
    You are awesome! Thanks for the Terry's temptation tale! I would definitely think you are way low at 10 blocks. You DO NOT need to lose any weight and I would hate for you to lose that well-earned muscle! So far I feel really good about the challenge. I hope to get back to working out next week. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Quick update on my progress... I get a big "F" for last weekend. Traveling with 2 babies and going to the Atlanta Zoo does not leave you with many Zone options! I paid $6.50 for a pressed together piece of chicken. And I refused to eat the garbage I ate some Goldfish that I brought for the kids. I guess that is better than french fries, etc. I guess the saying rings true "If you fail to plan, then plan to fail". I guess I could have packed up all of my meals for our trip. But, that was just not going to happen. Anyway, I'm back on track.

    And, Katherine, I hope you have decided to increase your blocks and/or fat intake. I don't think this diet intends for a person to feel so hungry! Great job on this blogspot too!

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