Friday, August 7, 2009

Zone Diet + Fight Gone Bad

So today is a rest day but I needed to make up Fight Gone Bad...ugh. I went ahead and had my usual 2-block breakfast and then headed in to teach the 8:30 women's class. After they were through, I began FGB. This was my first time to do it as Rx'ed since before I had Campbell (and I don't even know what I did before that). In January, I did the scaled version of almost every exercise and ended up with 241. Nice score, but it hardly counts since I scaled everything so much. Today I was determined to keep things as rx'ed even if it killed me.

The workout:
I began with the 16# WB shot (which is one of my least favorite things) and managed to get 25 in the first minute. From there, I kept a pretty quick pace and scored 93 for the first round. If I could have sustained this, or even sustained something near this, I would have kicked ass. But, I could not. Instead, I fell to 69 for round 2 and 64 for round 3. My final score was 226. I was resting like crazy during the workout and having serious mental "I can't" issues.

What I learned:
I really think I was performing better when I was hungry. I know it sounds crazy, but I somehow felt lighter and more energized when I was eating 10 blocks. Now that I have been doing double fat for about 5 days, I feel sluggish and winded. It could be something else and it may be purely coincedental, but it is certainly something to consider. I think I may scale back to 1.5 times fat for a couple days and see if this helps.

Just thought I would let you guys know in case this happens to you!


  1. Hey Katherine,
    I'm afraid to say that I've totally slacked on the Zone diet...I think my main problem was just having to measure everything and still not having a scale to make it accurate didn't help. I may be following the foods but have no idea if my proportions are correct. Also, I've basically decided I'm going to do good during the week and then not care on the weekends. I just can't give up desserts 24/7...or maybe I should say I just don't want to! :)
    Sorry I didn't stick with it like I was supposed to, but I'm so proud of you all that are! This diet is not easy and takes a lot of will power and patience! Maybe I'll try it again one day. :) Good luck and keep up the good work!

  2. Well, 2 weeks into the challenge and still no cheating for me. It has been hard, though. We were at a birthday party today, from 11-1 and did not snack after crossfit this AM (5x5 dead lifts). I was STARVING, and it took every ounce of willpower to not scarf down a piece of pizza (or actually the whole thing), chips and some cake. Willpower is one thing I have needed, and this was a total challenge. I do feel better on the zone-paleo diet, but I do miss the occasional cheat.
    On another note: I was totally stoked the first week after losing 8 lbs. and excited for this week. So far, no further weight loss. I know that is not the goal, but come on. I need some measurable reward. Any hints, clues? I even dropped a block off breakfast this week (down to 12) but still nothing.
    On a yummy note: Ate an avacado today sprinkled with salt and garlic powder... YUMMY!! I think it is a new favorite. Well I have rambled enough. Have a great one!

  3. Hi Angela,

    You are doing a great job! I think the occasional cheat night will help all of us to stick to the diet with greater conviction the other 90% of the time. 30 days is a loooong time to follow something this strictly but I hope that it is helping us to learn the right habits.

    As for weight loss, 8 lbs is a great start and I have read that people often lose the most the first week or so, level out for a bit, and then start dropping again. If I were you, I would not drop below 12 blocks. I would hate for your body to assume you were starving and start saving calories. Eat how you have been and keep working out and I think the weight will continue to drop, perhaps at a slower pace, but drop nonetheless!

    Great job!

  4. I assume you mean Andrea....I, on the other hand, have not lost a significant amount of weight at all! I'm kind of bummed about that considering how hard I'm trying. After 2 babies, I too want something weight loss. Kevin keeps telling me he is going to get rid of the scale. I have to remind him that he is speaking to a female and one that has birthed 2 babies in less than 2 years.
